Hero image




Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare Planning Powerpoint Year 5

Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare Planning Powerpoint Year 5

Planning to teach Shakespeare’s play. Great powerpoints. Sample planning : Begin by introducing the new topic and the learning outcome. We will be studying ‘older’ literature. Explain that older literature is defined as anything written before 1914 but we are going to look at much older than this! Show a picture of William Shakespeare: children to TTYP – Who is this man? What is he famous for? Can you name any of his works? Come back together and elicit that William Shakespeare was an author – not of stories but of plays and sonnets (poems). Talk about some of his more famous work and explain that he wrote 38 plays and over 160 sonnets. Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616. He produced most of his work between 1589 and 1613 – why do you think he wrote mostly plays rather than stories? Elicit that he was an actor so he loved the stage and he intended his works to be acted out rather than just read and also because of the times. TV and film were not entertainment options and the majority of people couldn’t read so going to the theatre or watching an outside performance was very popular. List the main characters on the board, to include: The Capulets Juliet Lady Capulet (Juliet’s mother) Lord Capulet (Juliet’s father and head of the family) Tybalt (Juliet’s cousin and enemy of Romeo) Nurse (Juliet’s nanny) Paris (wants to marry Juliet) The Montagues Romeo
Back to School Autumn Planning Year 2 Massive Amount of Work Literacy Maths

Back to School Autumn Planning Year 2 Massive Amount of Work Literacy Maths

Short of ideas for year two Autumn term? Put my planning from different schools together. It’s all in the zip file. I’ve put some examples in the general upload but there is TONS more in the included zip file. Lots of different types of planning as my schools were all different. There’s lots of free stuff too that is adaptable e.g. year 1 work. Sample : Teacher to explain that they will be focusing their learning this week on an author called Beatrix Potter (in both English and Creative Curriculum). Teacher to introduce the story of Peter Rabbit to the class (PowerPoint- shared area). Teacher to pause shared reading at regular intervals to challenge thinking and AF reading skills. Q: Do you think this story is non-fiction or fiction? Why? – Group to discuss. Whilst reading, teacher to model how to break down tricky words using phonetic knowledge. Group to discuss the text together; thinking about the characters and setting. Teacher to scribe thoughts onto flip chart for class to refer back to throughout the week. Mild: I can recall the main characters from a given text and can describe them using appropriate adjectives. Spicy: I can use phonics to form a sensible sentence. I can add full stops and capital letters when writing a book review. Hot: I can sequence events of the story; identifying what happened in the beginning, middle and end. Extra Hot: I can write/draw a picture to show my favourite part of the story and can verbally give reasons as to why.
Back to School Autumn Planning Year 1 Massive Amount of Work Literacy Maths

Back to School Autumn Planning Year 1 Massive Amount of Work Literacy Maths

Short of ideas for year one Autumn term? Put my planning from different schools together. It’s all in the zip file. I’ve put some examples in the general upload but there is TONS more in the included zip file. Lots of different types of planning as my schools were all different. There’s lots of free stuff too that is adaptable e.g. year 2 work. sample : Today we are going to read ‘Titch’ together. Read Titch under the visualiser. Does this remind you something that has happened to you? Can children identify with the characters/settings and events? Discuss with talk partners and beach ball/bean bag ideas. Look at some cvc words; start with hen; who can spell this word on the IWB? What is the 1st sound? Get a child to write it down. Can you tell your talk partner some words that rhyme with this? Make a list. Robins/Bears [AA] Talk about how Titch might feel. Do they feel like that? Children to write sentence/s about how the children feel. Chicks/Giraffes [A] Talk about how Titch might feel. Do they feel like that? Children to write a sentence about how the children feel. Octopus [BA] Talk about how Titch might feel. Do they feel like that? CT/TA to scribe some sentences about how the children feel. Listen to sentences that children have came up with about the story. Can we suggest any other sentences about ‘Titch’. Teacher to scribe them on IWB and save them for later. Show chn the picture from the front cover of Lost and Found. Start up a discussion asking the question: Who are they? Depending on chns responses ask other questions – who, why, when, what, where, how. Show chn question hand – use this to remind chn of the types of questions we can ask. PUT HAND AND PICTURE ON WORKING WALL FOR CHN TO REFER TO. Model recording some responses to the questions asked on post it notes. Mild: Talk about the picture on the front cover Spicy: Think of questions that we could ask to find out about the story Hot: Share responses to the different questions asked Extra Hot: Write responses making phonetically plausible attempts. LA Activities Green MA Activities Orange and Red HA Activities Blue Adult pose a question about the picture. Adult to scribe responses on post it notes. Photograph for books. Chn to talk about the picture with partner- Chn to remember some of the questions asked earlier and write down their responses to the questions. Photograph for books. In pairs chn take it in turns to ask each other a question. Chn to write their responses on post it notes. Stick post its and a smaller version of picture in book.
Independent Reading Tasks learning Aids Lots of Ideas

Independent Reading Tasks learning Aids Lots of Ideas

Gathered together some great ideas for guided reading and Independent reading. Flexible for all years. Get them doing tasks whilst you help different groups. example : During guided reading your teacher and teaching assistant(s) will be listening to different groups read, and work with children to improve reading and comprehension skills. There will often be one or 2 groups that will work independently. This sheet has lots of activities for you to complete if you are working on your own for the lesson. You can do the activities in any order, but you will need to tick them off and fill in the dates when you worked on the activities so your teacher can check them. You will need to keep your sheets in your folder – make sure you number your work with the activity number too! For most of the activities you will need either your current reading book, one you have read recently, or one you know quite well. Write a letter as a character in your book to either another character in your book, a new invented character or a real-life character. Write a letter from yourself to a character in your book. Write a letter to the author of your book – you could say what you like or dislike about the book, or give ideas for what else you would like included in the book. Have a go at drawing a map of one of the places in the story. See how much you can include and how much detail you can add. Pretend you are a travel agent and want people to visit the place in the story. Write a paragraph on what you would tell others. Re-tell an event from the story from another characters point of view. For example, if Jenny is visiting a haunted castle with her wimpy brother Joe, can you change it from Jenny’s point of view to Joe’s? Re-tell an event from the story as if you are a newspaper reporter and you are writing a newspaper article. Imagine you could interview a character in your story – what would you ask them? What would their replies be? Write your interview with your character. Set it out so you use 2 different colours for your questions and your character’s answers. Write the diary entry (or several) for a character in your story after something interesting has happened. Have a go at writing a second diary entry for a different character. Have a go at continuing the story after the end of the book. What might happen next?
11 Plus Letter Patterns Volume One Logic Puzzles

11 Plus Letter Patterns Volume One Logic Puzzles

100 sheets with answers. The sort of thing that’s good for eleven plus prep. Good for logical thinking.11+ Grammar School Letter Pattern Questions What do you call a rooster with a bad sunburn? A fried chicken. Find the next two letters in the pattern for each set of letters. Use the alphabet grid if stuck. KGOKS_ _ OW (- 4 + 8) QOMKI_ _ GE (- 2) KGPLU_ _ QZ (- 4 + 9) FHJLN_ _ PR (+ 2) HJLNP_ _ RT (+ 2) GFHGI_ _ HJ (- 1 + 2) VSPMJ_ _ GD (- 3) SXQVO_ _ TM (+ 5 - 7) ZXVTR_ _ PN (- 2) FILOR_ _ UX (+ 3
Kindlekrax Teaching Materials and Planning Back to School Year 5 Literacy

Kindlekrax Teaching Materials and Planning Back to School Year 5 Literacy

Planning and worksheets. Read chapter 3 and 4. Discuss the characters of Ruskin and Elvis. Do you like these characters? Explain. What do they look like? How do they move? Do they have friends/ family? What clothes do they wear? Discuss. Draw up a list of ideas. Task: To compare the characters of Ruskin and Elvis supporting your description with evidence from the text. Children to describe each character and complete an illustration. Children to check over their work and improve it. Discuss the comparisons they have made. Which character is the most interesting? Which do you like? Why? Highlight the WALT. Read p.27 ‘The playground was made of asphalt that sparkled in the sunlight like crushed diamonds on black velvet.’ Describe your school using images like this. The hall was… My classroom was… My teacher is… Task: Write a character description of Ruskin using the three shot camera frame. Model how to write the character description using the frame (use Elvis). Long shot, mid shot, close up and reveal.
Classic Narrative Poems Noyes Maggie and the Dinosaur Dave Ward The Works

Classic Narrative Poems Noyes Maggie and the Dinosaur Dave Ward The Works

Sample planning : Genre: Poetry Unit 2 – Classic/Narrative poems. Focus Texts: ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes. ‘Maggie and the Dinosaur’ by Dave Ward.‘The Works’ (poetry anthology) by Paul Cookson. ‘The Puffin book of utterly brilliant poetry’ (Anthology) edited by Brian Patten. Prepare to share a narrative poem from an anthology: Maggie & the Dinosaur, p463 in The Works by Paul Cookson. Explain that an Anthology is a collection of poems specially chosen by a person: an anthologist. Highlight that Narrative poems are poems which tell a story. Point out that not all narrative poems have the same structure although each poem will probably have its own! They often have many verses just like a song, with each verse telling the next part of the story. Ask the children to respond to the narrative poem we shared. Which parts, lines & words did they enjoy the most? Did they like the way that the poem was read? Narrative poems are often long so they need to be read in a way that keeps the audience interested from start to finish. Just like a good story reader would make a story sound interesting. Children to be split into mixed ability groups of four and given copies of two poems: ‘Dave Dirt’s Christmas presents’ and ‘GreedyGuts’ both by Kit Wright. Ask the question: how can you be sure that you are looking at a narrative poem? They should decide which they would like to share with the class. How are they going to read it? Altogether, in pairs, individually on rotation? Allow each group time & space to practice for presentation. Groups to present their poems. Other groups to offer constructive feedback. Success Criteria: I know that a narrative poem is one which tells a story. I can contribute to a group activity, taking turns where necessary.
Flashback Story Planning Year 6 Late Again For School Powerpoints Worksheets

Flashback Story Planning Year 6 Late Again For School Powerpoints Worksheets

Great planning. sample : Key Questions Teaching Show the children the PowerPoint ® about different sentence types. Ask the children to give some examples of sentence types that we use in own writing. Remind the children of the BOYS and 2A sentences. Write suggestions down. Ask could we extend these sentences, giving more detail? Model how we might come up with a simple sentence – ‘I walked into school’ – and add another simple sentence to give more detail. Tell pupils this week we will be focusing on flashback stories. Ask children what does it mean to flashback? Ask pupils if they can recall the main stages of a narrative. Put up mixed words on board. Can pupils recall the order? Opening Build up Dilemma Events Resolution End Tell pupils effective flashback stories often open in the middle of action. This week we will focus on how to write an effective flash back opening. First we are going to explore a possible story plot. Today’s lesson we are going to look at a picture still and pupils are going to work in pairs to work out what is happening / happened. What does it mean to flashback? How should a narrative be structured? Why is this a good structure? Tell pupils there are two ways to start an effective flashback story opening. We can use a 3-ed sentence or an If… If… If… sentence. This week we are going to explore 3-ed sentences. The technique we are going to use is called the Cliff hanger 3-ed sentence. First part of our lesson we are going to look at just the 3- ed sentence. Explain to the pupils, -ed sentences describe a characters emotion/feelings. The sentence starts with 3 adjectives which end in –ed. Eg. Frightened, confused, amused. Show another still picture from ‘Holes’. (see slide 2 of PPT). Ask children to write as many adjectives ending in ‘ed’ as they can think of to describe the scene. Together, use these adjective and come up with a 3-ed sentences to describe this scene. E.g. Disgusted, puzzled, repulsed, he held the shoes away from his nose. Children now to generate their own using the words. Now show slide 3. Children to generate 3-ed sentences. Which words best describe the image? Why? Which sentence is the most effective? Why? Would changing the order of the adjectives make it sound better/worse? Why?
Year 5 Poetry Planning  Poetic Style – Valerie Bloom/Pie Corbett

Year 5 Poetry Planning Poetic Style – Valerie Bloom/Pie Corbett

Nice planning : sample : Read 3/4 Pie Corbett poems (see list below this plan or plan resources) – NOT Wings. Discuss the poems read eg which one did you like best and why? Is anything similar about the poems? Focus their attention onto things that are typical of Pie Corbett. Use 3 headings: Subject matter/Style of poem/Language. Discuss each of these (subject matter is what the poem is about eg nature, travelling, observations etc). Style is free verse or strict rhythm/regular or irregular rhyming patterns, use of speech or dialogue etc. Language refers to the vocabulary – the use of adjectives and descriptions, metaphors or similes eg ”I heard the paving slabs groan as they muscled for space.” (See plan resources.) Start looking at poems of Pie Corbett under these 3 headings. Give chn time to talk in pairs/small groups about each heading and take feedback. Ask chn to come up and scribe some ideas under each heading. Explain that we will now be exploring some of these headings in more detail. Easy Give chn a selection of Pie Corbett poems. Model reading a couple to the chn. Discuss what was similar or different in terms of the subject matter. Chn to then read some more poems in pairs and start to sort them into groups that are similar and why. Stick the similar poems onto A3 paper and make rough jottings about why they are similar. TD Medium/Hard Work in pairs or 3s. Take turns to pick a Pie Corbett poem and read it out loud to rest of group. Repeat this until lots of poems have been read. Provide highlighting pens & poetry checklist (plan resources) to guide their discussion. Ask chn to go back over each poem carefully & highlight any language that makes the poem interesting eg adjectives & descriptions. Give chn the metaphor & simile example sheet (plan resources) to refer to and see if they can highlight any of these in another colour. Make sure chn annotate their highlighting with their own comments. Is there anything linking these Pie Corbett poems together? Does he repeat any language techniques? Finally they look at the style of the poems. Is there a regular rhythm in the poems? Do they use speech?
Back to School The Piano by Aidan Gibbons Year 6 Literacy Planning

Back to School The Piano by Aidan Gibbons Year 6 Literacy Planning

Great planning and powerpoints on this fascinating topic. sample : Speaking • Tell a story using notes designed to cue techniques such as repetition, recap and humour Drama • Reflect on how working in role helps to explore complex issues Understanding and interpreting texts • Infer writers’ perspectives from what is written and from what is implied • Compare different types of narrative and information texts and identify how they are structured Creating and shaping texts • Reflect independently and critically on their own writing and edit and improve it • Experiment with different narrative forms and styles to write their own stories Sentence structure and punctuation • Adapt sentence construction to different text-types, purposes and readers • Punctuate sentences accurately, including using speech marks and apostrophes Understand, analyse and compare several ‘visual texts’. Comment on the technical parts of a visual text. Write a review using correct format and language. Whole Class Shared Learning Guided and Independent Activities: Start to understand what is meant by a ‘visual text’. What do we know so far about narrative writing? Create a list of facts to add to working wall including: fictional, dialogue, opening etc. Explain to the children briefly, that they are going to watch a short, animated film, entitled ‘The Piano.’ Explain also that there is no dialogue or narration; it will be up to the children to decide what the film is about, to answer simple questions, raise some of their own and provide their own explanations for what they see. Tell the children that they’re going to watch the film, quietly and without comment at first. Then, watch ‘The Piano’ by Aidan Gibbons. Model completing thinking feeling and speech shapes linked to the narrative.
Back to School Literacy Year 6  Stories by significant authors J K Rowling

Back to School Literacy Year 6 Stories by significant authors J K Rowling

Lots of great planning for an exciting unit. Nice powerpoints. Sample : Share the learning outcome for the unit with the children; share the concept of the working wall. What is narrative? Fact or fiction? Ascertain that this unit is about fiction/narrative/stories. We have three weeks to achieve our learning outcome. Ask children what they know about JK Rowling. Who is she? What is her job? (use correct terminology- she is an ‘author) Where is she from? (Born in Gloucestershire) Can children name any of her books? (Harry Potter series plus several supplements) Etc. Activity One Come back together, show children a picture of JK Rowling – does this help? Children to move to next group’s poster and add any more info that they can now think of. Is there anything they agree/disagree with? Lead into a class discussion on this famous children’s author: Has anybody read any of her books? What are her stories about? What genre do you think her stories are written in? (Clarify what we mean by ‘genre’ if needed). What is the purpose of narrative writing? (Display ‘to entertain and enthrall’ on the working wall). Read first tale from ‘Tales of the Beadle Bard’ – The Wizard and the Hopping Pot. Discuss what is distinctive about this story (what does it remind you of?)
Year 5 Literacy Planning Roald Dahl Material Poetry Iron Man Big Write

Year 5 Literacy Planning Roald Dahl Material Poetry Iron Man Big Write

About a months work of year 5 Literacy planning. Some nice Roald Dahl stuff in there. sample : Recap on the children’s knowledge of poetry i.e. alliteration, similes, metaphors and onomatopoeia as the Iron Man is rich in poetic features. Introduce the book to the children. Highlight the cover of the book. What do you think the book will be about? Discuss with partners, share ideas with the class. Read the blurb. Why do you think the book is described as a modern fairy tale? Introduce that the author of the book is also a poet. Share that there are many poetic features in the text that are used to describe the characters and setting e.g. similes, metaphors and onomatopoeia. The children will have to take notes of these features. Read chapter 1 to the children. Ask the children to jot descriptions of Iron Man on their whiteboards while listening to the story. Use a PowerPoint to highlight the description of Iron Man on page 1-2.The children will create a mind maps on Iron Man. They will create a description his movements, his features and his personality. Focus: Characters WALT : To create a description of a character from a text. WILF: Use of adjectives, verbs and poetic features (i.e. similes, alliteration and onomatopoeia). Use neat handwriting. Share sentences with the class and discuss the descriptions they have created. What type of character is he? What similes are used in the text?
Charlie Small Gorilla City Literacy Planning Year 5

Charlie Small Gorilla City Literacy Planning Year 5

Some great planning for Charlie Small Gorilla City. You get microsoft word documents. Plus Notebook files if you can play those. Sample : LO: I can investigate a character and list key questions. Prior to lesson, create a display area in the class – or another area of the school – consisting of a copy of Charlie Small’s journal (see GORILLA CITY cover), photographs of settings and animals from the text, a map (copied from the book) and his rucksack. Also include a fact file on any 2 of the creatures mentioned in the text ~ e.g. the hyena or gorilla. The contents of his rucksack may be listed on cards; or some of the items actually on display. TA or other adult in school to enquire about these items and chn asked to ‘investigate.’ Teacher/TA to read note from Charlie – see inside book cover. In small groups, chn list questions they would like to ask the author – Charlie Small – and discuss what they would like to learn further about his expedition(s). Class share ideas. LO: I can identify author style and purpose. I can choose effective vocabulary to describe a character. Explore the cover design and shared reading of the Publisher’s note, plus the note from Charlie. Discuss the impact of the illustrations, writing style, the crinkled and stained journal entry by Charlie and use of words in capitals for emphasis. With response partner, chn talk, then make notes on what they have learnt about Charlie from his opening note. * Have an outline of a silhouette on the wall to represent Charlie. Teacher or TA read pages 2-6. In pairs, chn list some key words to describe Charlie’s personality, behaviour, likes and dislikes, based on what they have learnt so far. Ask them to select their most powerful adjective and write it on a Post-It note. Add these to the role on wall. Extension: discuss the use and purpose of each item in the rucksack.
Big Write Big Writing Teaching Materials Lessons Planning Creative Writing

Big Write Big Writing Teaching Materials Lessons Planning Creative Writing

During my time as a teacher, I enjoyed doing a Big Write or Big Writing. I’ve gathered all my materials together. I liked it as it kept the children occupied all week, leading to a big write on Friday Mornings. There’s some great ideas and powerpoints in here. I’ve included a lot of Greek Myths stuff as I remember this as the best Big Write. sample : To understand the features of myths Introduce the topic of Myths and Legends. Mind map any ideas about ‘myths’ children already have. Explain that the class will be building up their own myth. With each group working on a different aspect of the myth. Show success criteria – list of features of a myth. Read Theseus and the Minotaur, pick out the different features of the myth, evident in this story. Each group will discuss and write ideas for each section. LA (Supported by Ta) Group 1: Describe the hero of the myth. Group 2: Describe the monster of the myth. Children will write ideas, words on post-it notes. If this was a full lesson: Put together all the different groups’ ideas to build a storyboard for the class myth. As a class, decide on a title for our class ‘myth’. Children can: identify all the features of myths Features of a ‘myth’ · When and where is it set? · A hero/heroine · What is the problem? · Does the hero have special powers? · Fantastical beast · The hero’s journey · The conflict · The solution · How does it end? · Is it interesting? MA (Supported by ta) Group 3: Describe the setting of the myth. Group 4: Describe the journey the hero will make. Children will write ideas, words on post-it notes. HA (Supported by Ta) Group 5: Describe the problem the hero will face. Group 6: Describe the resolution to the problem. Children will write ideas, words on post-it notes.
Year 4 Literacy Plans Persuasive Text poetry Imaginary Worlds

Year 4 Literacy Plans Persuasive Text poetry Imaginary Worlds

Literacy plans for year 4. Mainly word doucuments for recounts newspaper book week persuasive texts poetry antibullying week imaginary worlds stories with historical settings stories with imaginative settings stories with historical settings narrative writing and book week creative writing holy week Bits of Roald Dahl the Twits references. Sample planning : What newspapers and magazines can the pupils name? What are the articles usually about? Discuss the purpose of a newspaper. WALT – know the features of a newspaper text. WILF – good expression Read through the opening paragraph of a newspaper article. Children to discuss the features and the structure of the opening paragraph. Newspaper articles have all of the important information in the opening paragraph. The opening paragraph is not overly descriptive. This information includes who, what, when, where, why and how. (It is written this way because most people do not read an entire newspaper article all the way through. So newspaper writers put the most important information at the beginning). Children wrote learn the opening paragraph of a newspaper article. Firstly as a class, followed by group work. Recap the features of an opening paragraph of an article. SW – target group to discuss the features of the article.
Year 6 Cross Curricular Literacy History World War 2 English

Year 6 Cross Curricular Literacy History World War 2 English

To plan and write a recount text, using appropriate form, features and language. To understand the value of the ‘home front’ during WWII. To discuss and write about the life of children during WWII. Understand the role of the ‘home front’ and the impact of rationing. Explain that this week’s literacy lessons are linked closely to our current history topic. We are moving on to a geography topic after half term. Recap what we have learned recently in history lessons. What were the main causes for WWII? Dates? Political leaders? Axis? Allies? How was the war fought? What was the Blitz? What sort of places did the Germans target? Why? Last lesson I asked you to discuss the posters issued by the British Government. What did you find out? Show the quote: “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. You ask, What is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory.” TTYP – who do you think said this? Come back together and establish that it was part of a speech by Winston Churchill when he became PM in May 1940. At this time, victory seemed a long way off. Show map of the world. Explain that, at the time of this speech, the German forces had already conquered Norway and Denmark. Now, they were sweeping through Belgium and the Netherlands. By 20 May, they reached the English Channel. More than 500 000 British and French troops were trapped on the French coast at Dunkirk. Hundreds of boats, big and small, repeatedly sailed from Britain and brought nearly 340 000 safely back to England. The German advance went on. On 17th June France surrendered. Most of North-West Europe was now in Hitler’s hands. The German leader began to plan the invasion of Britain, only 34 KM away. Britain now stood alone with scarcely anyone to help. The USA had not yet entered the war. The countries of the British Empire such as Australia and Canada were too far away. Churchill encouraged the people of Britain with defiant speeches. “We shall go on to the end,” he said, “we shall never surrender.” What was providing a natural barrier for the British against the Germans? The sea. However, it also caused problems. Britain’s farmers could not grow enough food to feed the population. Large amounts had to be brought in from home by ships. Merchant or goods ships were slow and lightly armed and so were easy targets for German U-boats and bomber aircraft. Between March and May 1941 over 320 merchant ships bound for Britain were sunk. Food such as flour, meat and sugar were in short supply.
year 6 Literacy Fiction Genre To plan, draft, write and improve an engaging short story

year 6 Literacy Fiction Genre To plan, draft, write and improve an engaging short story

4 main weeks’s work. Plus powerpoints and resorces. Great for year 6. Sample planning. Learning/Writing outcome: To plan, draft, write and improve an engaging short story in a particular genre using appropriate language and organisational features. Introduce the words ‘fiction’ and ‘genre’. TTYP and discuss the meaning of the word ‘genre’. At this point, introduce the new and improved writing journals where children can make notes during lessons, can jot down words they wish to magpie, jot words that they have generated but which aren’t suitable for the task in hand and can jot questions/things they are unsure about. Explain that I will prompt to use these for the first couple of days but then children need to become more independent. Prizes for most effective use! Ensure the children understand the difference between fiction ‘narrative’ and non fiction ‘non narrative’. Activity One Come back together and do class mind map for working wall. Ask children to think of any titles of books which could fit with any of these genres. Ask children to discuss their preferences and discuss our preferences with them. Activity Two Talk about how they sorted the books in activity two. What clues were you looking for? Talk about words which suggest different genres. Explain activity three. Activity One In lit books complete quick mind map of different types of fiction genre. Activity Two Children to work in table groups. Children to be given a wide range of fiction books from class/school library. Children to sort the books into fantasy, historical, science fiction and mystery by scanning the book, looking at the front cover and reading the blurb. Activity Three Children to have a selection of pictures from books (front covers and insides) and blurbs from a variety of fiction books. Ch to decide which genre they think they book comes from and justify their opinion by highlighting the key words or annotating the pictures. SEN: () to work as a group on this task. MA: In pairs. With teacher to work with ‘Quality Question Marks’ (both groups). HA: Independently. Plenary: What have we learned? What is narrative? Non narrative? What is a genre? Name some genres of narrative? What is your favourite? Why? Least favourite? Why? Does this link to visual literacy (i.e. do films and TV programs split into genres?)
Iron Man Ted Hughes 4 Planning Sheets Year 6 Literacy

Iron Man Ted Hughes 4 Planning Sheets Year 6 Literacy

4 planning sheets. Plenty of ideas. Year 6. Literacy. Sample : Set up plenary clip at beginning of lesson to be played in plenary Imagination starter: display front cover of the Iron man on IWB – Tell pupils that we have a new topic surrounding the novel The Iron Man, and tell them we will find out more about the author and the story as the unit continues. Round Robin: Can you write down describing words about the character you see? Place pupils into A/B and give 2 minutes to write down ideas on wipeboards in pairs. Feedback with lollypop sticks to follow. Draw out discussion as to what genre the book might be/ if the character is good/evil. Read the first two pages to the class: Hands up: Does the opening make them want to read on? Why? Collect ideas on IWB- What is the effect of opening the story with questions? Explain that the author Ted Hughes was primarily a poet rather than author-so he plays with his words/sentence length a lot more. Note any important features of the text, which build up atmosphere and note on IWB. Choose an OPENERS card and set the class a challenge. As core, but once they have completed highlighting, pupils are to label similes, metaphors, alliteration, repetition, rhetorical questions, short sentences… Can I analyse the features of a good story opening and find poetic devices? Children are given a copy of the first 2 pages of The Iron Man to annotate. They highlight what parts of the text build up the atmosphere to make a good opening –and how this contributes to he overall style. Can I analyse the features of a good story opening? Support lower going over each section of the text together. Read through again if necessary. Can I analyse the features of a good story opening, with support?